How to file Form 2290 Electronically?

Step 1: Create your free account with us by registering with an email address and create your personal password.
Step 2: Enter Your Business Information such as business type, name, EIN, and address.
Step 3: Select your tax year and first used month:
The 2290 tax year starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. For vehicles used during the beginning of the tax period, your 2290 is due by August 31st. For new vehicles, your 2290 is due by the last day of the month after it's first used month. For example, if you first use a new vehicle in September then your 2290 is due by October 31st.
Step 4: Enter Your Vehicle Details: Enter your VIN, or Vehicle Identification Number, and the gross weight. Then select if your vehicle was used for any special purposes, like for logging or agricultural purposes.
Step 5: Pay the IRS: We will accurately calculate how much you owe the IRS. Then you can select one of the following options to pay your HVUT:

  • Direct Debit or Electronic Funds Withdrawal
  • Check or Money Order
  • Credit or Debit Card
Step 6: We will perform an audit check to catch any errors, then present you with a summary of your information so you can review it to make sure all of your information was entered correctly.
Step 7: Once you've checked your information for errors and entered your payment information you are ready to e-file form 2290 to the IRS. Enter a 5-digit number of your choice at the bottom of the page to electronically sign and transmit your form.
Step 8: Get Your Stamped Form 2290 Schedule 1: Your return will be either rejected or accepted by the IRS within 10 to 15 minutes, depending on volume. Once accepted you'll receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email. If your form is rejected you can check your dashboard for the reason why, and then resubmit it to the IRS as many times as necessary for free. You can download your stamped Schedule 1 from the dashboard at any time, you can also have it faxed, texted, or emailed to you.

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